In case you were wondering, there are still record stores that aren't owned by FYE or Best Buy. A good friend of mine recommended I check out Uncle Sam's while I was visiting Miami, FL this past weekend, one of these indie stores still surviving and thriving. And as down as I am with the digital revolution, I would hate to see places like this loose the ability to stay in business. I was like a time warp back to 1993 but in a cool way. Sam's sells CDs, vinyl, posters, spiked rocker like belts, fairy porcelain statues, army surplus hats, and projected video on their black and blue painted walls. Every nook and cranny was covered with some funky memorabilia or product. It had something called charm and character, traits slowly dying in our world of mass corporate consumption.
The other cool part about Uncle Sam's was that i got to see our work here at bluhammock (and those that help us) in action, on the ground, so to speak.
Disc 8....That looks really familiar...
Cary Brothers?...Hmmm, I swear I have heard this before?
It kind of sounds like, the new soundtrack to my life!
Good Luck Uncle Sam and thanks Gordon for general awesomeness and helping me with my lost credit card (it's all good now) !