Hi There Everyone,
After many weekly meetings here at bluhammock, we have decided that we need to tell you all a little bit more about our adventures in labeldom. To that end, I am going to start posting about our happenings. Now, I would like to promise you that I will do this super regularly, but, I would be lying. We are kind of busy over here trying to sell records and everything. What I can promise is that I will do my best.
On to the adventures! On April 17, Swati had her record release show at Joe's Pub. It was brilliant!! Sold out show and people were genuinely paying attention and digging her set. I was also beyond excited to see Aaron Comess behind the kit. When I saw Swati for the very first time, he was drumming for her and it was an electric combination. For those of you who don't know or simply care to know, Aaron drummed for the "Spin Doctors." Who doesn't like "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" & "Two Princes?" Aaron was wonderfully complimented by Jeff Hill on upright bass. Jeff can often be found making music with Rufus Wainwright. The two of them allowed Swati's song's fullness and beauty shine.
As always, Swati was slightly self deprecating and incredibly charming. She played her guitar with her usual ferocity and delicacy. She showed the crowd what she could do. Her rendition of "I'm on Fire" was heartbreaking and heartfelt. "Blackjack" killed it and "2am," my personal favorite, made me want to cry. Sadly, we brought the video camera to capture this stunning set but in true Murphy's Law fashion the battery was dead. Luckily all was not lost. A friend from high school was in the crowd and gallantly offered to take some pictures for us to share with you! While, she apologized in advance for their quality, I think she did a pretty damn good job. Take a look.

After the show, Swati and her band of rowdy merry makers headed to a spot called the Cubbyhole in the West Village. I had never been and it was packed. I was told by the owner this was totally Swati's doing. I don't know if that it true but everyone there seemed to know her. So, I am going to believe what the lady said. Much thanks goes out as well for the free drink I was gifted with simply for working with Swati. :)
Last but not least, "2am" was the top tune of the day a KCRW in LA a couple of days ago. WOOO HOOOO!!! Thanks for the Swati love KCRW! Much much appreciated! It is pretty darn cool when one of our Los Angelino friends texts us to tell us that they are stuck on the 101 but is it ok because one our artists is on the radio in their car.
On another note, Kristoffer Ragnstam won his MTVU Freshman class. All that voting paid off! Thanks to Seaworthy Films for making such a fun and funky video and Steve Gottlieb for getting it seen! Thank you to all of the fans and friends who got to clicking! Kris was added last week so for those of you still in college keep an eye out for his video!
Until Next Time!